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viernes, 17 de abril de 2009

Hi!! I'm extreamly happy right now i don't know why, maybe it's because tomorrow i will go to Tic's house to make the "brownie mess",we are going to make a vid about it (fun) and then we're going to go to the movies!... in addition, i have just seen the new Harry Potter trailer.. i can only say: "O.O amaaazing!!" OMG! i can't wait for july to come, there's going to be soo many cool things, yeah, my birthday too! (4th july)
Here is the trailer:

Are you breathless?? XD

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Well, time to go!

-Patsy εїз

sábado, 11 de abril de 2009

Hi there!
So, yesterday i couldn't post anything 'cause i was completly spending my time on writing my book =).. while i was thinking what to write, laying on my bed.. i fell asleep xD well, i kindda dreamed what was going to happen on my book (weiiird). So when i woke up i have all my ideas in order (finally). And that includes writing the book starting from the begging U.U.. i am waiting for inspiration to come, 'cause i'm still on chapter 1.
I found a song named "Behind This Hazel Eyes" by Kelly Clarkson.. it's not like i am into her music, but God!! Love this song.. specially because it reminds me of my book =D one more song to put in on the movie soundtrack (if there's a movie) xD
i'm starving.. gotta go

One more thing before i go! I finally put my playlist here, enjoy it!

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jueves, 9 de abril de 2009

It's six o'clock and i'm wearing my pajamas ^^(<----lame). Really i wasn't thinking about writing here so constantly... but, since i have nothing to do.. coughcoughMYcoughBOOKcoughcough The day started like any other day.. my mom yelling: "patsy!! wake up! it's 11 o'clock"(sleeping is soo good)..

So, i went to the dentist (ouch!), didn't i mention? i have brackets...and they're really painfull right now U.U The good new of the day is: that they'll put them off on july!! =)

Then i went to the supermarket to buy some things with my fam.. gosh! my brother is getting sooo annoying, he was crying all over the place to get a stupid and expensive action figure (<---3 year old monster) sniff sniff he was so cute when he was 1 year sniff sniff not anymore.. XS

When my bro was doing his "scene" i managed to escape and went to the bookstore.. man, it was so hard just picking one book!! (i could only afford one XP) Finally i bought Twilight teeeheee! (english version, had it in spanish already)
God! The twilight saga it's amazing!!!! Of course i love Harry Potter's too, i can't choose one... coughcoughEdwardcoughCullencough <---man, i really get a flu, i can't stop coughing XD
Well i'm going to steal my easter egg..I NEED CHOCOLATEEEE.. Bye!

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*Patsy εїз (who else is going to write??)

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miércoles, 8 de abril de 2009

Well.. i'm having a hard time with html codes U.U i think the only trick with this is getting used to it. Sorry if i have a really BAD ortography, it's because i originally speak spanish x)
Anyway, i'm here eating a chocolate bar and wondering what am i going to write...
Let's start with last week.. gosh, sunday night i was like a zombie, i mean, sick. With fever and all that kind of stuff. I think that was the result of going to a party on friday and another on saturday =) They were gooood.. So, i missed 3 days of school (yayyy!). That was the perfect time for getting a chapter of my book done.. i only wrote 6 lines (i didn't have inspiration.. or maybe i'm just lazy) That's it, my VERY interesting 3 days without school.
Another thing! You should visit
this blog, it's of a friend of mine.. a really cool blog! (my friend forced me to write this) just kidding tic'(without a "k") :3

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